Starting a Race


Our centre uses two-way radios for communications at our events. Radios are collected with the results sheets and clipboards issued to the event Key Official.


For events where the athletes stay in their lanes for the whole race (e.g. 400m, 200m, 100m, 70m and Hurdles) the Starter issues 3 commands when starting a race. These commands are:

  • “On your mark” – This signals the athletes to move into position at the starting line.
  • “Set” – This command is given once the athletes are at the starting line and in position. After this command is given athletes set themselves in their chosen start position. e.g. kneeling, standing, or in blocks.
  • “Firing the Starting Gun”

For events not run entirely in lanes (including walks) the Starter only uses 2 commands:

  • “On your marks”
  • “Firing the Starting Gun”. There is no “Set” command.

When all athletes are still, the Starter fires the gun to start the race. If the athletes are unsteady, the Starter will ask the athletes to stand up and try again.

False Starts

If an athlete starts running before the gun is fired, the Starter will fire the gun a second time to indicate a false start. The athletes will return to the start line and wait for the “on your marks” command again.

Athletes in the U6 to U8 age groups are permitted 2 false starts per athlete without penalty, but will be disqualified on the third false start.

Athletes in the U9 to U17 age groups are permitted 2 false starts per heat without penalty. The third (and subsequent) false start will result in that athlete being disqualified.